SCC Kids Update

SCC Kids Update

Hello SCC Kids and families!

I hope you were all able to set aside some time as a family this morning to tune into our church's livestream service. It was a wonderful reminder that during this time, Jesus is our hope. Pastor Drew shared Luke 12: 16-34 with us, reminding us to trust in God to provide. God will always provide for us because God loves us. Our Big Idea in Kids Ministry this week is God Will Never Stop Loving Us. Such a perfect reminder of certainty during such an uncertain time.

Here at Surprise Christian Church we feel it is important to continue to be there for one another as a church family, even if we are unable to meet in person. What does this mean for children's? With the help of some awesome volunteers we are putting together some teaching videos that will be posted over the next couple of weeks. We will continue to follow our curriculum for the month, learning about parables. There will be two posts every week. One post will be for preschool, the other for elementary. We will also include documents you can download and print off that will go along with the lesson. These documents will include coloring sheets, activities for home, hand outs and quizzes. Don't worry about missing out on those SCC Bucks kids! For every quiz, color sheet or activity sheet you complete and bring to me when church returns, you'll get an SCC Buck!

I understand that even though not having to go to school can be pretty cool, some of this talk of Coronavirus or the thought of running out of toilet paper might be a little scary. We know that even though these things may seem scary we do not need to feel scared because God will always take care of us. If you find yourself feeling scared you can say to yourself, "God will take care of me because God loves me. God will never stop loving me." Check out our first teaching video this Friday to learn how God Will Never Stop Loving Us. Look for a follow up email containing a link to the videos as well as a confirmed time they will be posted.

As always, if you have any prayer requests you can submit them on the church app or website, email me at or send me a text. I miss you all. I hope you enjoy the videos. And I can't wait to see you soon! I love you all and God does too! Have a blessed week!


Brandy Luptak

SCC Kids Director

Surprise Christian Updates

This blog will have all communication regarding our church for our congregation. If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (623) 244-8755.