Important Update!

Important Update!

So, I have some bad news that I want to get out of the way first, we have to cancel the pool party for this weekend. 

You may have seen that the weather forecast for this weekend includes a high likely hood of thunder and lightning because of the tropical storm that is being pushed up from the Gulf Coast. The policy at the Surprise pool is such that if you see a storm like this, you have to cancel for liability and safety reasons. We have had pool parties cut short in the past for this reason.

This left us with a difficult decision that is really a bummer either way. We could try to go and have it canceled by the pool (meaning we still have to pay for the event as the pool only does refunds prior to the event). This would leave you guys who have made plans, invited friends and family, and prepped deserts having to turn around and go home disappointed. The other option, cancel now, get the refund for the church, and deal with the sadness and disappointment up front. 

We tried to reschedule the party, but the pool didn't have any available dates until well into September. At that point, it would be dark before we even started and not quite summer weather. We tried to move it to the other Surprise pool on Hollyhock but they are closing up shop by the end of August and didn't have any dates available. 

So, with a heavy heart, we decided to cancel the party. We put a good amount of time and effort into planning a fun event for you guys, the first non-church gathering since we opened! No one is as sad as I am that we need to do this but I feel it's necessary. I want to honor you, your time, your family, and not try to push something that is bound to get canceled anyhow, costing the church money that we could use elsewhere. 

Instead of the pool party, we are going to have an end of summer party at the church Sunday, September 18th after service (This also our Youth Takeover weekend which we will talk about a little more at church). We are going to move the fun and games we had planned to that event, Brad is going to cook up some BBQ for us (courtesy of his business Blackwood BBQ), and we are going to have a great time fellowshipping as a church.

We are going to use the money from the pool to purchase a portable baptismal for the church! This way, we can do baptisms whenever, wherever they are needed. 

I know this stinks, trust me I am super disappointed. This is just part of life unfortunately. There is a little passage in James which teaches us one vitally important part of the Christian life, sometimes God's plan is not our plan.

James 4:13-14 says: "Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.' Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.'”

This passage is one of the most frustratingly difficult things to actually learn and live out. We hate change, especially changes to our favorite plans!

Again, I really am sorry for the last minuteness of canceling the event. I know this stinks, we have been planning fun things for the party for weeks! Nonetheless, this is why we learn to say "If the Lord wills" when it comes to making our plans. We love you guys and look forward to seeing you Sunday.

- Pastor Drew Carroll

Surprise Christian Updates

This blog will have all communication regarding our church for our congregation. If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (623) 244-8755.