Elementary September Week 1 - Wisdom Comes From God

Posted: 9/6/2020

Hello SCC Kids and families,

Happy Labor Day weekend! It's September!!! That means fall is just around the corner. It also means we got the keys to our new church building! I can't wait to get in there and create an awesome Elementary space. I need your help! I want to hear all of your ideas. Dream as big as you'd like. You can share your ideas at our Elementary Zoom party, which happens to be today! I hope to see all of you there today, Sunday, at 5:30 pm for games, worship and our big monthly prize drawing. August memory verse is Isaiah 41:10.

This week we are beginning a new series for the month of September, Wise. We learn what it means to be wise and where wisdom comes from. Spoiler alert, wisdom comes from God! This week's lesson comes from 1 Kings 3:1-13. King Solomon wants to be a good king so he prays to God and asks for wisdom. When we want to do the right thing but aren't sure which choice to make, we can pray to God. God will give us wisdom.

I hope you enjoy this new series. I can't wait to see all of you! I love you and God loves you too! Have a blessed week SCC Kids!


Ms. Brandy